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Verbalize Your Action, Issue #095 - How 2C Your-Hope Centered Qualities May 04, 2019 |
May 4th 2019 #095How to See Your-Hope Centered QualitiesAnother Way To Be Centered Around Your-HopeYou can zoom into some more combinations that center around your-hope. Take the following for an example. On one hand it is your-emotions and your-self-realisation (YSR) , according to the verbalization, see Newsletter Issue #071 On the other hand it is your-goals (YG) and your-values (YV) , according to the verbalization, see Newsletter Issues #078 You can visualize this interplay in your mind like in the following diagram. Again, these atmospheres share one personal quality, your-hope. Using your-hope as the connector, have a look at the intersection, carefully, on the interconnected venn diagrams. Yourhope-centered-quality is reflected in the dimensions you can flow through. For example, just to show you another five dimensions: 1) YSR, YH, YE 2) YE, YH, YV 3) YV, YH, YG 4) YG, YH, YSR 5) YV, YG, YH, YSR, YE Notice that YH is always part of any of your flows - the center is always included. Now, Imagine How Beneficial This Awareness (In Real-Time) is For YouVerbalize Yourhope-centered-Quality With Another Option Like...![]() Note: Remember to Replace The Words "Your Name", "Your", "You" with Your Actual Name and Then Verbalize Your Formulation!Your Next Newsletter is About Further Integrating Your Atmospheres For Your-Increasing-AwarenessLook forward to more on Awareness Situation's Series on your awareness consciousness of personal qualities chart - The PQ Chart. Continue Your Self Awareness DevelopmentLearn Some More "How Tos" In Our New Self-Leadership CourseSelf-Leadership By Your Own Precision Words for Beginner'sThis "how-to" stuff is a snippet from our unique course on self-leadership by your own precision words. You have just read some of our solutions to the ever-present challenge for a fresher and more advanced consciousness in today's world. So take a preview of the course by visiting Self-Leadership By Your Own Precision Words for Beginner's at Udemy. My Awareness Situations BlogIf You Want to Know What's New!Awareness situations periodically releases articles on self awareness development situations focusing on how you can overcome in any situation you find yourself in.
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