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Verbalize Your Action, Issue #025 -- Why Competitions Are Team Based
December 01, 2017

December 1st 2017 #025

Why Are Many Competitions Based on Teams?

There are countless sporting codes where it is not individuals who play, rather it is teams of twos, threes, fours, sevens, elevens, fifteens and so on.

In fact, even those sporting codes where we see only one person on the stage, the truth of the matter is that you have a whole team of specialists backing up that player from training and coaching, medical and psychological and many other preparations towards the great day of the final.

Teams Are Firstly Divine And Secondly A Natural Occurance

Teams are made to perform and out wit other teams. The team that has organized itself the best, utilizing the strength of individuals, sub-teams, and the whole teamwork has the biggest chance of winning the competition.

What You Should do - Your Key!

You are your number one challenge to yourself to keep you isolated from the teams you are looking for or belong to.

Here is a simple example. If a pack of lions are hunting buffaloes, the first thing is that one of those buffaloes should lose sight of the group of buffaloes and wonder away alone trying to outrun the lions. The rest is history.

But if each buffalo keeps running inside the pack the lions eventually end up giving up their hunt because there is no weakest link to trap, stop and kill

Here is what you should do. Either you are the patriarch of a new team that you must bring into life or you belong to an existing team. Be it in social, economic, political, environmental, technological, legal of any other combination.

So get doing or get finding your teams.

Never Give Up Good Verbalizations Of The Teams You Are Looking For or Belonging To

Here is an interesting verbalization for you to ponder upon and mediate on and verbalizing.

Self Awareness Development

Be Conscious of the AEBOD In Your Teams

Now its time to get on with the key - AEBOD your teams.

To read more on shared identity please go to Your-Shared-Identity

My Awareness Situations Blog

If You Want to Know What's New!

I periodically release articles on self awareness development situations focusing on how you can overcome in any situation you find yourself in.

There are more articles that you will find useful for your own self awareness development.

Your latest awareness challenge is to read up on

Your-Achieve Or if you want to find out about all that's new please head over to awareness situations blog at My Awareness Situations Blog While still on the same page you may subscribe to awareness situations RSS feeds or use this Awareness RSS Feed

The Tools I Use - What is SBI?

Productivity Depends on Process, Tools & Teams

Why Do I Use SBI?

One day during my MBA studies I realised that as an employee and a best practices consultant in software development it was common practice to quickly learn a tool, process and tool guides, write a certification exam, become certified and get out to tell other companies what and how they should deploy software solutions to make profit or gain competitive advantage

Then I discovered a question for myself. Why don't I develop my own products? I guess that was the best thing I learnt from my MBA studies. Of course the MBA instigated this behaviour in me. My MBA thesis supplied the business concept and material. Now I needed to get down to productivity.

After a long research for the best in class tools for personal application, I found SBI. Initially I was sceptical, but as I explored the SBI process, the tools and the core SBI support team including the more than 380 business sites that are running on top of SBI, I realised I was home and dry.

I hope you can enjoy as i am doing, slowly, step by step, just like the tortoise! Its a copycat cyclical game. You read, you check out some examples, you experiment on your own site and your release that part of your product and monitor it's performance.

Your Feedback is Invaluable

Have you ever had that warm and fuzzy feeling when you open your emails one morning or afternoon and you find that a fellow active verbalize-your-action reader has actually taken the time to tell you how much she appreciates your hard work?

Its totally something magnificent. You cannot put works to this level of appreciation. However, that is the fuel that keep us going, mining for the best verbalize-your-action pearls we can find so that we can continue to encourage our readers to keep expanding your awareness.

After all we all are in this human journey together and the more of us become aware of how to deal with situations the better our world gets!

I appreciate your feedback very much and thank you for your time. Send Me Your Feedback

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